Money, Love, and Power (Trailer) by Forgotten_VCR

Money, Love, and Power (Trailer) by Forgotten_VCR

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This full length film by ���������_��� mashes up obscure and bizzare clips from his deep collection of “�����, ���-���������, ���������, ����� ��������, ���� ��, ����� ������, ����� ������, �������������, ��������, ������������� �����, �����������, �����, ��� ������� ����� ���� ��� 80� ��� 90�”.

Limited to 60 copies, this VHS is pro duplicated on a mix of fresh and reclaimed VHS by DupCA in Canada. They are packaged in clear plastic library cases, with wrap around double sided artwork printed on cardstock. They will also come with a special VHS logo button!

People who purchase the VHS will also get access to a VOD stream + download of the video through PPV’s new VOD Streaming service hosted on Vimeo!

You can catch ���������_��� streaming weekly on Twitch at:

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