Who is Mr Ash Mufareh ONPASSIVE

Who is Mr Ash Mufareh ONPASSIVE

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We also have the tools within OnPassive. You’re going to be wealthy (and we’re talking about Founders now) or financially solid, the least to say more than secure. I know you’re going to have excessive finances beyond your dreams.

So what do you do with that excess or extra?

We want to make sure it’s fairly delivered to where it belongs. All right, I’ve seen it before when the big billionaires make it or multi-multimillionaires what they do with it – Vegas, Rolex, yachts, hot chicks, some like private jet, are you serious?

Somebody is hungry within your neighborhood. Talk to me about India, I know the contrast in the society. It’s messed up, like go to Mumbai and you see, like one skyscraper or one like castle just a block away. People are dying out of starvation.

How is this realistic?

Come on, OK. But I’m not saying you shouldn’t be wealthy. No, I mean, come on, you’re successful. Enjoy it. But I’m sure you could lift up one individual, with one. That will change their world. OK, whether it’s a child born in Kenya that get a proper education or health or, you know, enough with contaminated water, just clean water, can we have drink water? So how so some people get the avion and all those fancy packaged waters and some people drink contaminated water, how? How people can be ill and all they can do is put like olive oil or pad or whatever…is not realistic. You need treatment right than. I mean it has to be accessible, it has to be accessible food, health, education, that’s a minimum. I’m not buying a car like, you know, you get a car, no, but at least we deserve water. We deserve safety. We deserve financial security.

So if you have if you take care of yourself, fill your tank. OnPassive is going to make sure that you do that first. You’re fine. Financially free, debt-free, all of that solid. But we have set it up in such a way. The tools are available that you can bless another soul on this beautiful planet doesn’t matter what your interest, you probably can save an animal. Some people are passionate. A dog, maybe can be… I don’t care what’s your passion or, you know, the environment or you know anything, you know, science researchers or any interest that you have. OK, orphans, elder people are senior citizens. We can we can do better as humans, so that’s why OnPassive gets me more than just passionate. I actually I can die for it literally, like literally because of the impact I know we are already making by giving that hope back in people mind, no matter what they know or what they don’t know, no matter what they have or that no matter how much they have. It’s not reserved to me and to those people who know how to do business or to a few…I would enjoy it better with more people, that is more fulfilling, that is more given and I’m not giving it away as a charity in terms of the business model, but the business model enables those in it and empower them to be able to bless that.

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