930a Yoga Mix 5.24.21 SPG slow.mp4

930a Yoga Mix 5.24.21 SPG slow.mp4

Supta Pandangustasana (lying hand to big toe pose) is a wonderful mainstay for home practice to help maintain and improve range of motion in the hips. Note that each of the postitions, are analogous to the movements required of many standing postures- external hip rotation, internal thigh rotation, mid-line cross-over (such as experienced in revolved postures). The hamstrings as well receive a deep stretch, while core strength is called to task to help stabilize the pelvis. While grasping the big toe is certainly an option for some practitioners, use of a strap is helpful for most students to avoid hamstring overstretch and over arching the low spine. As you go through the standing segment, you may notice a new sense of freedom and readiness in your hips, having prepped first with SPG! With intentionally longer holds, may you enjoy this s l o w, sweet practice.

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